






I met Xin Yu Kun because he contacted me when I came to China to release "The invisible Guest". He was a fan of my movies and allowed me to watch his movies. And then I became his fan too. We are connected about the subjects we deal with. He likes suspense and crime movies as much as I do. We met for the first time for dinner in Beijing, and we talked about movies. The way he deal with the materials, the actors, the script, the budgets, and I told him my experience in Spain with my movies. We agree that we share a big interest in audience. We like audience but we also want to give a message to them. Crime movies are perfect for that. It's a candy for the audience, with a message to share.

I've seen "Deep in the heart". The main difference is that he goes deeper in the message. It's a much mature film.A movie of somebody who has been looking for a style in the first movie, and in the second one he improves the style. I think that there is also a very powerful message in "Wrath of silence".

The difference between "Wrath of silence" and the crime movies I've seen is probably the mix of genres. It's a crime movie. It's a mystery movie. It's an action movie sometimes. But it's also a social realistic movie. I think Xin Yu Kun plays very well the mix of different genres in one movie. And it has a very powerful ending.

I rate him as my Chinese soulmate. I feel him as a brother in another continent. When we met we realize that we share a lot of interests for the same things. My first film, The Body, was about a corpse, like "Deep in the heart". My second movie, "The Invisible Guest" talked about
rich people versus poor people, just like "Wrath of silence",I feel him very close.

"Wrath of silence" is a roller coaster with a big message.

来源:知乎 www.zhihu.com

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