
Interesting, 上个月刚好有个量子热动力学的最新的成果上了arxiv

Information Erasure
Information is central to thermodynamics, providing the grounds to the
formulation of the theory in powerful abstract statistical terms. One must not
forget, however, that, as put by Landauer, {\it information is physical}. This
means that the processing of information will be unavoidably linked to the
costs of manipulating the real physical systems carrying the information. Here
we will focus on the particular process of erasing information, which plays a
fundamental role in the description of heat engines. We will review Landauer's
principle and the associated erasure energy cost. We will also show, following
the recent contributions from Vaccaro and Barnett, that cost of erasing does
not need to be paid with energy, but with any other conserved quantity.
Finally, we will address the issue of designing heat engines based on these new



为了完成计算,首先,你要从一个内存 X 上读取输入,然后把结果输出到 内存 Y 上,但是对于可逆计算而言,输出结果与内存 Y 的初态是双射。也即是对于任意计算,只有一个确定的初态才对应正确的结果,我们一般叫它 0 态。

完成一次计算后,内存Y就不再是 0 态了,那我们就无法再使用它做计算了。如果我们想重复利用一个内存,我们必须想办法把内存 Y 恢复到 0 态。这就来到了上面这篇paper说的Information Erasure问题。

当然,这里要注意:虽然我们每一步计算是可逆的,但一般来说,我们不知道某个寄存器到底经过了哪些计算,也就是这个逆是找不到的。所有我们需要一个通用方法来擦除信息,而这一步是不可逆的。为了让整个系统还原,我们必须找到一种与内存相互作用以后自身不变的系统。在Landauer's Principle 中,我们选择了热库,得到了能耗kT ln(2) 的结果。但更进一步的,也就是上面这篇文章的结果表明,任何一种守恒量的无限大系综都可以用来擦除信息,也即是擦除信息的过程不一定需要消耗能量,它可以消耗任何守恒量。

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