Thanks for inviting! I can talk about a little detail during my recovery.
In April, I was finally able to do single leg calf raises with both legs.
It took me a while just to be able to do a single calf raise, by myself, with the left. It was a huge hurdle to clear. But once I did, we wanted to judge the strength compared to the right leg.
So we created a test where we marked the maximum range that I get on my left. Now when I do the test, I have to go at least 80 percent of that max range for it to count as a rep.
We also created something of a metronome that we have going, and I have to go up and down to the beat of the metronome. I get two warnings. If I don't get above 80 percent, that's a warning. And on the third one that I don't get above 80 percent, I'm done.
It's actually a really, difficult test. I'd challenge everyone to try it at home to see how many you can get. It's a lot harder than you would think when you actually have to go to the beat of the metronome, and you have to get full range.
It's also a good gauge of calf strength, and has allowed me to see real progress. A few months ago, I couldn't even do a single left calf raise on my own. Now I'm at 20 reps before I fall below the 80 percent line. And on the right side, my maximum I've gotten is 27. So I'm right there, and that's really encouraging.
The calf strengthening also helped my progress on the Alter-G, and I just recently finished the final phase of the Alter-G progression. That was a long process, starting with walking at a very low percentage of my body weight and grinding it out day by day making small gains.
Once I was able to do a single-leg calf raise on my own, they allowed me to run on the Alter-G. We started the program at like 50 percent body weight at a certain speed, and I'd do it for a certain time. Then the next time I'd do the same body weight, but we'd increase the speed and the time. Then we'd move do a different move up from 50 percent to 55-60-65, etc. Each time doing a workout, first we increase the body weight, then the distance, then the speed.
You kind of work your way up like that, doing different workouts on the Alter-G, until you get to roughly 80 percent. After 80 percent, the effects of the Alter-G are kind of minimal, and you can slowly get off the Alter-G and on to a normal treadmill, which is obviously 100 percent of your body weight.
That's where I am right now. I've just started running.
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